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The Complete Guide to Conducting A Portfolio Makeover Thumbnail

The Complete Guide to Conducting A Portfolio Makeover

So you want to give your investment portfolio a makeover? That's an excellent idea! Over time, portfolios can become cluttered and drift away from their original purpose. Conducting a thorough review and makeover allows you to streamline your investments, reduce risk, improve returns, and ensure your portfolio aligns with your financial goals.

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Will You Owe Taxes When You Sell Your Home in Retirement? Thumbnail

Will You Owe Taxes When You Sell Your Home in Retirement?

Selling your longtime home in retirement and moving someplace new can be an exciting yet challenging transition. As you prepare for this major life change, your mind may fill with questions about what the process will entail. One common concern retirees have is whether they'll owe any taxes when they sell their home.

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Got Hit With Higher Medicare Premiums? How to Appeal Medicare Premium Surcharges Thumbnail

Got Hit With Higher Medicare Premiums? How to Appeal Medicare Premium Surcharges

If you received a notice that you'll be paying higher Medicare premiums based on your income, you may be able to get the surcharge reduced or eliminated by filing an appeal. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Medicare premium surcharges, reasons your income may have changed, the appeal process, and tips to avoid higher costs in the future.

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Die With Zero: A Radical New Philosophy on Spending in Retirement Thumbnail

Die With Zero: A Radical New Philosophy on Spending in Retirement

Retirement is meant to be the golden years - a time to relax and finally enjoy the fruits of decades of labor. Yet too often, retirees fall into the trap of continuing to pinch pennies and overly restricting spending out of fear of running out of money. They put off travel plans, skip restaurant meals, and resist splurging on their hobbies. The result is an unfulfilling retirement focused more on frugality than fulfillment.

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Navigating Medicare Open Enrollment: A Comprehensive Guide  Thumbnail

Navigating Medicare Open Enrollment: A Comprehensive Guide

The annual Medicare Open Enrollment period is right around the corner. Running from October 15th through December 7th each year, this is the time when you can make important changes to your Medicare coverage for the upcoming year. In this complete guide, we’ll explore all the important factors to consider when evaluating your Medicare coverage options.

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