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Your Free Retirement Assessment

A 3-Step Process to help you evaluate our services and make an informed decision about working together.

Tax Return Analysis
Investment Analysis
Retirement Analysis

We're Retirement & Tax Planning Professionals and Do Our Best Work With:

Aged 50+

Retirement investors age 50+ who are retired or close to it.


Diligent savers who have accumulated investments over $500K. (Excluding real estate.)


Expert Guidance

People who value knowledgeable help because retirement is too important to manage alone.

Your Free Retirement Assessment

A 3-step process showing how you can improve

retirement success + lower your tax bill.

Schedule 20-Min Call

A 20-minute phone call will give us both a chance to make sure your situation matches our expertise.

After all, you wouldn’t see a Cardiologist if you needed foot surgery!

Team Meeting

Like a doctor, it’s important to diagnose before we prescribe.

The next step is meeting with our team (in-person or virtually). During this 1-hour meeting, our team will get crystal clear on your retirement goals, needs, and concerns.

Review Assessment

With your Retirement Assessment complete, we will have another 1-hour meeting to review our findings and recommendations.

In plain English, we will explain exactly what you can do to improve your retirement plan, lower taxes, and optimize your investments.


Schedule a 20-Minute Phone Call

Still Have Questions?

How are you compensated as an advisor?

We are a fee-based financial services firm, which means our only compensation comes from the services we provide to you. We do not get paid any commissions, kickbacks, "trails", or any other fees other than the fees we charge you. We believe this is the fairest form of compensation and aligns our interests with yours.

Are you held to a fiduciary standard of care at all times?

Yes. We are held to the fiduciary standard, which means we have to act in your best interest regardless of the compensation we receive.  We are legally, ethically, and morally required to act in your best interests at all times. Even if we were not legally obligated to act in your best interests, we believe it's the right thing to do.

What is your investment philosophy or style?

We believe in passive investment management. We don't believe that you can beat the market, but we think that you are entitled to get market rates of return. We believe in keeping your investment fees as low as possible, harvesting losses when applicable, and rebalancing when appropriate.

We believe you you should focus on the things you can control, like how much risk you want to take, using compounding growth to its full potential, and minimizing your taxes.

Do you have clients similar to my age or stage of life?

We are retirement planning experts who specialize in people who are retired or very close to it (typically five years or less). This allows us to tailor our services and expertise to the unique needs of retirees. While our clients would hardly consider themselves to be "rich", thanks to a lifetime of diligent saving and frugal living, they have accumulated a retirement nest egg of $500,000 or more.

If I hire you, what should I expect?

Financial planning is an ongoing process of gathering information on your finances and current tax laws, then looking at the variables that affect outcomes (such as inflation, early/late retirement, career changes), and seeing which decisions have the most potential to improve the outcome. We work through this with clients on an ongoing basis, providing education and advice that they can continuously help them make decisions to increase their wealth.

Step #1: Schedule a 20-Minute Phone Call

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